I am currently reading a book called 4D Impact: Smash Barriers Like a Smart Church. At our first Administrative Council meeting of the year, I read several quotes from the book. It is worth everyone picking up a copy and reading. In the end of just the introduction, after explaining why the church is not doing as well as it had in the past, the author says,
“There is hope. We are living in the greatest evangelistic season of our lifetime. There has never been a better time for us to rise above the noise of our society and offer the world another option filled with grace and peace. We can become the disrupters, throwing a wrench into the current, seemingly endless cycle of retail, recreation, and retreat on any day or time of the week...In order to be this kind of church, your church must operate in multiple dimensions—a smart church, a 4D church. Just as a smart home, smart car, or smartphone is wired for success, your church can also be wired for success as you focus on four key areas: technology, hospitality, worship, and systems.” I am excited about reading this book and all it has to offer. Just what the author states in the introduction is enough to get us to think. We have got to change, just as our times have changed. We don’t like the word change, but we change every single day. Every day is different from the next. We have changed in our homes over time as we have brought in color TVs, followed by flat screen TVs, followed by smart TVs, and TVs in 4K. We have gone from rotary dial phones, to touch tone, to cell phones, and now smart phones. We have computers connected to the internet that allow us to connect with the world in just a few seconds. If we have embraced the change in our own homes, why are we fearful to embrace change in the church? We need to address the areas of technology, hospitality, worship, and systems. As we address these, I challenge us to begin now. One way to meet the challenge is to have someone step out of their comfort zone and begin to work with our youth again. We have quite a few youth, but no one who is willing to work with them. I cannot do it, but one of you can. And you won’t be alone. Let’s begin again and continue to make a difference in our world in greater ways than we ever have before. Are you in it with me? If you are, then let us get going as we step out of our comfort zones and step into making a 4D impact on our community. Grace and Peace...Pastor Angie